Building Lasting Foundations
In the summer, the sights and sounds of young people enjoying Delano Bay Christian Youth Camps tell a wonderful story. A dining hall full of exuberant youngsters; Bible classes on a grassy hillside, and the blending of voices in praise around a campfire. All of these ingredients brings us into an encounter with the risen Christ.
A Resource For Christian Growth
Delano Bay Christian Camp is a beautiful center for Christian activity located on the Puget Sound, about a one-hour drive from Silverdale. Two hillside dormitories can sleep a total of 96 people, plus seaside cabins and RV parking make DBCC a wonderful location for many enjoyable Christ-centered programs and activities.
Make a Donation to Camp Delano
Delano always appreciates the generosity and involvement of people like you, with every contribution going towards making Delano Bay Christian Camp an even better Non-Profit Organization than it already is.
2024 Summer Camps
Senior Teen Session
The Senior Teen Session
8th - 12th gradeJune 30th - July 5th, 2024
Camp Director - Trent Herbert
Finishing High School Strong!
Whether your camper has spent every summer out at Delano, or this is their first year, we think Senior Teen Session will be a rich and rewarding experience for them. STS begins with an exhilarating white water rafting trip. Once campers return to camp, they will begin a week-long journey of discovery, seeking to grow closer to Jesus Christ and one another.
For More Information Click Here
The Young Teen Session
The Young Teen Session
4th-7th Grade Camp
July 21st - 25th, 2024
Director: Thomas Morse, Springbrook Church of Christ
Entering the teen years offers kids many challenges and opportunities. At Delano Bay's Young Teen Session, we want to partner with your camper and help them face the challenges head-on and make the most of the opportunities. Many young people begin pulling away from their parents, churches, and families at this age. The Young Teen Session offers a week with their peers, older teens, and mature Christians to help them express their fears and anxieties. Campers learn that they are not alone in their journey and will encounter Christ along the narrow way if they seek him. We will hike to Penrose State Park at the end of our week of study, praise, and fun.
For More Information Click Here
1st-3rd Grade Camp
1st-3rd Grade Camp
Going Into 1st -3rd GradeJULY 7TH-10TH, 2024
Director: Jeb Bristow-Hanna (minister@ckcoc.org)
All things have a beginning. We hope you'll consider Delano Bay Christian Camp's 1st-3rd Grade camp for your camper's first summer camp! This three-night camp focuses on setting a positive foundation for the future. We want your camper to get used to coming out to Delano to encounter people acting like Jesus Christ. This will be accomplished through song, prayer, games, activities, and lots of fun!
For More Information Click Here