When we Meet
Sunday Mornings
9:30am Bible Class For All Ages
10:45am Worship
10:45am Worship
Wednesday Evenings
6:00pm Dinner
7:00pm Bible Study
7:00pm Bible Study
What To Expect
A typical service will last about 90 minutes. We try to sing a good mix of contemporary and traditional music which is led by our song leaders in the a cappella style (without instruments). We invite you to hang around after the service so we can get a chance to meet you.
What Should I Wear?
At CK you will be comfortable dressing casually or in your Sunday Best. We provide a very comfortable setting focusing on people and not appearances.
Where Should I Park?
We have reserved visitor parking right up front near the main entrance to our building. Please make use of these premium parking spots just for you.
Is Childcare Provided?
An attended nursery is available for children aged birth to 24 months at the 10:45am service. Older children are very welcome in our main service and we often enjoy their sounds and voices during our worship time together.

Do You Take Communion?
At CK we partake of Communion, also called "The Lord’s Supper," every Sunday. There are individual communion cups in the foyer as you enter if you would like to participate in this sacrament with us.
Is Giving Money Required?
Each Sunday we give our members an opportunity to support the many works of the Central Kitsap Church of Christ and all of our mission efforts. If you are a visitor, there is no obligation for you to give, however we gladly accept all donations to the mission here.
Where are the Instruments?
As our worship begins, you will notice our music is somewhat different than many churches – we sing "a cappella" (without instruments). Although we don't believe it's wrong to sing our worship to God with instruments, we treasure our a cappella tradition.
Where We Trace our Roots?
The Central Kitsap Church of Christ (C.K. Church) is a restoration movement church. We belong to a long legacy of churches and believers who ardently want to follow and obey the God of the Bible. We strive to be disciples of Jesus within our world today. We are people who believe the Bible is God's Word and we look into it for direction, inspiration, and how to live our daily lives as followers of Jesus.
What is Baptism?
Occasionally you might see someone baptized in water at our services. When someone believes in Jesus and decides they want to be a follower of Jesus for the rest of their life, they are then baptized (fully immersed in water) as Christ instructs us in Matthew 28:18-20. They receive complete forgiveness of their sins; past, present and future, and they also receive the gift of the Holy Spirit living in them, helping them live this new life for Christ.
Baptism is an expression of our faith and represents the death, burial, and resurrections of Jesus. When we decide to follow Jesus, we identify with Him, and die to ourselves just like he died on the cross. We are buried in water just like he was buried in a tomb and finally we are raised again to a new life when we come up out of the water, just like Christ was raised to a new life when he came out of the grave.
Jesus asks followers to "count the cost" of following Him before making the decision to be baptized (Luke 14:25-35). We believe baptism is a mature decision that requires a seriousness of mind and commitment before someone makes that decision. We do not baptize infants or young children for that reason.
Baptism is an expression of our faith and represents the death, burial, and resurrections of Jesus. When we decide to follow Jesus, we identify with Him, and die to ourselves just like he died on the cross. We are buried in water just like he was buried in a tomb and finally we are raised again to a new life when we come up out of the water, just like Christ was raised to a new life when he came out of the grave.
Jesus asks followers to "count the cost" of following Him before making the decision to be baptized (Luke 14:25-35). We believe baptism is a mature decision that requires a seriousness of mind and commitment before someone makes that decision. We do not baptize infants or young children for that reason.