what we do
CK Women's Ministry is made up of women from various backgrounds and talents. We strive to build authentic relationships with one another. We take time throughout the year to connect and nurture those relationships through a variety of biblical & topical studies and events. Whether you are looking for a church family or just passing by, let us be a part of your journey.

Study God's Word Together
Every year we offer a Sunday morning Bible study for one quarter that meets at the church building, and a weekday and weeknight bible discussion group in individual member's homes that is exclusively for women getting together and digging into God's Word and enjoying one another's company. We would love for you to join us in our passion to know God and Follow His Word.

Support Each Other
We love to celebrate the great things happening in our lives and supporting each other during challenging times. Not only are we supporting each other, but we support each other's children by attending activities, supporting fundraisers, or inviting them for special events. The best part is we are all in different stages of life and have had different experiences, but we love Jesus & we have become a source of great strength, comfort, and encouragement to each other.

Fellowship With One Another
God created us to be in community with one another. We take every opportunity to gather and share a good laugh, play games, enjoy great food, and hear inspriational messages. During the summer months, we look forward to having playdates at the church and family outings.
Women's Day
Women's day is an opportunity to gather early in the year to renew our minds and refresh our souls. Scriptures tell us, whoever refreshes others will be refreshed (Proverbs 11:25). We gather with like likeminded women to celebrate our blessings in Christ, study the living word, and apply scriptural truth to our lives. At our last Women's Day (called "Walking in Light") we focused on a muli-level study of the book of Ephesians. We met from 9 a.m-3 p.m. We began with songs of worship, then broke into two sessions one with hands-on craft and the other session a deep dive into current cultural cross currents. We all gathered for a simple lunch midday. ***Young girls are encouraged to attend***
Great Themes
Guest Speakers
All Ages welcome
Encouraging Each other
Recurring Events
God created Eve for Adam, because it was not good for man to be alone. This was the first instance we see community being emphasized. We are an active group of women that deliberately make time for each other. We have regular events to connect with our sisters in Christ.

MONtHLY bunco Night
Let the dices roll! Ladies gather once a month for a night fun and fellowship. We meet in various homes and partake in a light meal and/or snack.

quaRterly brunch
Typically, there are four women's brunches set on the calendar by the start of the year. Sometimes, we need more flexibility in scheduling. You can expect a Saturday morning gathering every 3-4 months.

other events
We have ambitious-minded women who take the lead in supporting life at all stages such as welcoming babies, baptisms, military deployments, support in grief, etc. Please ask about times women are currently gathering.