
Jeb Bristow-Hanna
Lead Minister
Jeb is everyone's favorite Jesus loving, small engine fixing, family man, alongside his wonderful wife Priscilla and their 4 children. Jeb graduated from Cascade College in Portland, OR then worked as a Youth Minister in Microsoft land in Bellevue, WA for 9 years before planting roots on the Kitsap Peninsula in 2012. If you get the chance, throw him your best "dad joke" and you'll surely become fast friends!

Ian Napier
Youth & Outreach Minister
Ian and his beautiful bride Melanie are the newest members of the CK family. These two lovebirds have spent the past few years in the mission field out of Queretaro, MX connecting locals to church and God. Ian and Melanie have already begun building up lasting relationships here at CK within the youth group and young adults. We have already been so blessed by them being here and we look forward to all of the exciting ideas they have for the future!
Meet the Elders

Michael Truan
Michael has been worshipping with the Central Kitsap Church of Christ since November 1985. He has been our faithful shepherd for 25 of those years leading us through ups and downs and guiding us always closer to God. He and his lovely wife Alice lead the Adult small group and spend lots of time loving on their new grandson.

Lane Ormerod
Raised in sunny CA, Lane and his family became true Northwesterners in the late 90's. He's been a part of the CK family for almost 30 years, a regular song leader, and our elder for the past 20. He has a beautiful wife by his side and 3 adult children. He enjoys golf and fishing and has quite the knack for carpentry.

David St. Martin
David St. Martin and his family have lived in the Northwest the majority of their lives, being members of the CK Church the entire time. David and his wife Marie have 4 adult children and 2 grandbabies to spoil. They love hosting and have a passion for welcoming military families .
Servant Hearted Deacons

Bob Pusey
Bob is our Deacon over missions. He and his wife travel and connect locally and internationally, serving people and sharing the love and servanthood of Jesus. They also host an awesome 4th of July celebration, New Years Eve party... or both. They are parents to two strapping young men and are constantly adding friends they call family into their lives and around their table for family dinners.

Gary Enriquez
The guy with the ponytail! Gary is a hard worker and always gives 150% in everything he takes on. Gary is our Deacon in charge of all things administration as well as keeping up the baptistry, making sure that it's always ready and warm for anyone who is ready for covenant. He and his wife Toni might not have any pets, but they are definitely the Dolittles of the neighborhood. Just ask him about his squirrels.

Gary McArthur
Gary M is our Deacon over seniors and elderly. He is regularly checking in with the older crew that can't always make it to church. Any need that can't be met, Gary makes sure that help is on the way. He also owns his own landscaping business. You can find his gardening masterpieces all around town. His sassy wife Ginette keeps him young and on his toes with her ever so sarcastic and loving nature. Together they make a great team!

Dani Vela
Church Secretary
She's weird but kinda awesome, drinks way too much coffee and loves old lady blankets.

Terri Johnston
Church Treasurer
She's never afraid to ask a good, thought provoking question and wins the award
for best chocolate chip cookies.
for best chocolate chip cookies.